In this phase children will practice skills of Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Collaboration on a daily basis. As a result of participating in this ecosystem, your child will know who they are, and how to be the best version of their authentic self, and become resourceful in creating opportunities for themselves.
Your child will practice a wide range of physical, mental, creative, social, and emotional skills every day, participating in a variety of activities each week, including art, music, workshops, academic skills, analytical thinking, yoga, sports, role plays, makerspace, gardening, nature walks, science experiments, structured inquiries, and practical self-sufficiency activities. Your child will learn effective techniques for conflict resolution and collaboration, work on projects that are personally meaningful to them with the guidance and encouragement of kind, caring, and intelligent adults, and be well-prepared to accomplish whatever they dream for themselves.
Foundation phase (Grade R-3)
This is what we call the “learning to read” phase of school. The phase is geared towards children developing some basic skills that they can then apply in their self-directed learning as they get older. By “read” we don’t just mean actual reading, but also how to read people and view life situations, as well as developing some of the foundational skills they might use to succeed in life; including using numbers, communication, teamwork, conflict resolution, self-discipline, self-confidence, etc. During this phase we have geared our programme towards the children acquiring some basic skills, including reading, writing and maths.
Grades 4 and up
This marks the beginning of the "reading to learn" phase of school, transitioning from the "learning to read" focus of our first four years. At this stage, children have developed a wide range of capacities and skills, and it's now time to put these into practice and refine them while exploring areas of personal interest. We have designed a rich and exciting program for our older primary children that includes explorations in language, maths, science, history, geography, and art. Additionally, this group engages in yoga, personal development activities, EQ sessions, teamwork, practical projects, and time spent in nature.
We are committed to using technology to foster inquiry-based learning through a constructivist pedagogical approach. As teachers, we aim to prompt our learners to formulate their own questions and support them in creating knowledge meaningfully. Our goal with the older children is to encourage the development of research and writing skills, critical thinking, communication skills, the application of the scientific method, practical skills, self-awareness, and collaborative skills.